God Sees
How comforting the thought that God sees everything and nothing is out of His sight. He watches over us like a mother watches over her child. God knows what you are going through and understands. He sees the longings of your heart. He understands your pain. He came as the Son of man to reveal Himself to us. He identified with our suffering and problems with sin but did not sin. He came to show us the way out of the power of sin and into enjoying abundant life. We can enjoy abundant life even when everyone appears to reject God and His ways. Yes the world will go its way but God is still on the throne. He beckons us to come His way to sit with Him on His throne.
God’s Way
God has made a way for us so that we can overcome every hurdle and challenge we face. He knows our weak state and reveals His strength in our weakness. He is the Alpha and Omega of our faith. We have to choose daily to walk with Him and not listen to the voices that distract us. This is our challenge daily to listen to His voice through His word. His word is eternal and never loses its power. Therefore when we consume His word we do consume His life. This is the way He transforms us and makes us ready for Kingdom rule. His Kingdom is within us because the King resides within us. This is a profound thought but true.
God’s Work
God is at work redeeming mankind to Himself. We are His messengers delivering His message to the world. We have been chosen to do so. He is with us all the time. Even during our down times He is there. Even when we don’t feel Him, He is there. He will nor leave us or forsake us. However we must be vigilant not to forsake Him. The devil is our adversary and he will try to take us away from Him. The devil knows his end but would do everything he can to take us away from God. God sees and He knows and His angels will keep us moving forward and never backward. Come to the river of life and be still and know that He cares for you.