When you operate in the Holy Spirit, you know of a power beyond your own. When you walk by faith, a power is released to enable you to overcome every weakness. You can operate in your own strength or in the strength of power from above. Your whole being will be empowered when you operate in heavenly power. There is nothing that can cancel the power from on high. All powers and principalities were subjected to Him at the Cross. He canceled their power and rose from the dead. Any power that can overcome death has the power of life. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy but God comes to give life. Therefore when you are connected to God, you are connected to His power of life. This world is dying and there is no hope for a dying world. All you see around you is disaster, death, and terror. These forces cause fear in the hearts of people. They die through their fear. Fear kills. Love builds and repairs and restores. Replace all fear with faith and love and be an overcomer. You can overcome because the overcomer lives in you
I worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist in UK and Australia for over 40 years.