I am transformed by the Holy Spirit in me. God is at work in me. I am transformed by the renewal of my mind. I am transformed in His presence. God can change me in the twinkling of an eye. His Spirit is at work and all I have to do is surrender to Him. Most of us want to be in control and change ourselves. However God’s way is through dependence on Him. We can choose to do it our way or in His way. God has promised to work in us both to will and to do according to His purpose (Phil 2:13) . God designed us to be dependent on Him but with free choice. We are not robots. The main challenge is will we trust Him.
Jesus walked as one who did what He heard and saw His Father doing. He was in constant communion with His Father. Why did He have to do this since He was God and man? He did this to show us how much we need to also depend on our Heavenly Father in our walk. We need to be in communion with His Spirit to do as He leads us. We can only do this if we are walking in the Spirit. To walk in the Spirit is to walk in holiness and contentment. There is no striving in Him. He leads us beside the still waters and restores our soul. My whole being is being transformed body, mind and spirit.
In the glory we are being transformed from one state of glory to another. How glorious is this? It is possible to be absent in the body but present in the spirit. In this way some have been able to translocate and be in different locations supernaturally. How great is that? God has provided all things to us to be able to fulfil His will in His way. We need to choose His way above our ways. I look forward to the day when I’m able to do this in the fullness of the Spirit. What a wonderful life this is in the Spirit. I already have access to resources beyond the material realm. We can taste heaven on earth be living in heaven on earth in His Spirit.