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A Fragmented Soul Made Whole In Jesus

By February 25, 2022No Comments

Broken Soul

We are all broken to some extent and need healing. The brokenness is in the area of our soul. Most of us pretend that we are whole but deep down we know we struggle with pain and confusion. Our mind is able to hide these things from us to help us cope with life. Many go through life broken and never enjoy a life of freedom and peace. This is the area we need healing but our pride keeps us from addressing these issues. We deal with the manifestation of this pain in relationships, addictions, mental disorders and physical disorders. Some of us take the step to confront the enemy within us and are set free. The process may appear to be long and painful but the results are immense.

Confronting The Enemy

Confronting the enemy within us is to confront the demons that oppress us day and night. Most of us deal with the enemy by blocking them out and immerse ourselves in work or sport or other activities. It is in times of quiet that the enemy rears its head. Some of us operate in parts and therefore are not aware of the parts that oppress us. We determine to only function in our healthy parts and block out the unhealthy parts. There are different ways we mange our pain but the pain never goes away. Those who have suffered major trauma especially will find it difficult to confront their enemy. There is no easy way through this but with Jesus anything is possible.


Jesus bore our sins and pain on the Cross. He did it all and all we need to do is avail of His finished work on the Cross. We were helpless and so came as our Healer. He now calls us to stop running away and to confront the enemy of our soul. Jesus comes as the balm of Gilead and soothes our pain and sets us free. In Him we are secure and in Him we are delivered and healed. Come to Him today and be healed and delivered.

Photo by cottonbro on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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