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Beware Of Demonic Infiltration Compromising Your Faith

By February 8, 2022No Comments


Demonic influences are not talked about much in Christian circles these days. The demonic is real yet many churches do not teach on this subject. Many are unaware or ignorant of the source of their problems because of lack of knowledge. The demonic  is real and becomes more real when one is engaged in spiritual warfare. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. These principalities and powers belong to a Satanic kingdom that war against the Kingdom of God. How do we become aware of this kingdom of darkness?


God opens our eyes to see that there is evil in this world. The police and government are placed to protect the people from the forces of evil. However evil manifests itself through people. People behave in certain ways that manifest the works of evil. We cannot see evil just the same way we cannot see God. However we can see the manifestation of the works of evil and the works of God. We cannot see the wind but we can feel it and see it in its manifestation. So also we need the gift of discernment to know the presence of evil. When we discern evil we can bind it and cast it out. This blindness of evil is seen as psychological or physical problems. The real culprit lies behind the manifestation.


Infiltration by demons into our daily lives is a reality. We see this manifestation in the sexualisation of all things and the degradation in society of what once was evil being seen as good. The present move to naturalise transgender issues are an example of this kind of evil infiltrating our daily lives. Many are forced to compromise and welcome what is evil and so become evil. Beware of the insidious infiltration in all walks of life influencing children, families and society at large. We are called to be holy and separate from the world we live in. However the church largely has compromised with evil. It is time to repent and be separate so the world can see the light and salt we are called to be.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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