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Adam and Eve were naked in the garden of Eden and were not ashamed. It is only when they disobeyed that they became aware of their naked state and were embarrassed and hid themselves with fig leaves. How true it is today that we need to hide through different coverings rather than be naked. Sin causes us to cover up rather than show up. Some of us are so well covered up that nobody knows the real me not even me. We role-play through life and our roles take over our identity. No wonder when we face a life event or loss that our cover ups sometimes fail to cover us and we see our naked self. We crumble and seek for more cover till we die. In death, we don’t need any cover for we return to the earth naked. It is the layers of covers that separate us from each other. Take off the covers and all we have is no different from the other. Jesus came to take the covers off so that we can come to the Father and be ourselves. In nakedness we came to Him and He accepted us. May God open our eyes to see each other in the same way and not let the covers separate us. Lord open my eyes to see that I may be made whole.

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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