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Divine Healing, Divine Health, Divine Life.

By April 6, 2021No Comments

Divine healing is healing obtained through the Spirit. This healing is for diseases and disorders of the body, soul and spirit. God is Spirit and He is in the healing business. Man looks to God when he has exhausted his own means. We cry, Oh God, when we have no one else to help us. Divine healing is real because God heals today and the evidence is real. God displays his healing power by transforming what is in the spiritual realm into the earthly realm. He does this through the process of transformation. He transforms what is unseen into the seen realm. He makes the lame man walk, the blind to see and the deaf to hear. 

Divine health comes from walking in God’s health. There is no disease in God. Disease and disorder are of the devil. Disease and disorder entered the world through the Fall and death became a reality. God is eternal and Adam and Eve had eternal life till they sinned. Sin brought forth the curse of death. Death always is a consequence of sin. Therefore, sin and death are at work in our life. However in Jesus we have been restored to eternal life in the spirit. Our spirit has been redeemed although our body will die. Yet some like Enoch and Elijah never died. They were caught up into heaven. Moses was 120 years old but had the health of a young man when he died. We too can live in divine health because His resurrection power flows through us and we have eternal life. 

Divine life flows through us because He lives in us. The Holy Spirit lives in us and through Him the Father and the Son. We have divine life in us. He abides in us and we abide in Him. When we live in divine life all the benefits of this life affects our whole being. Jesus lived a divine life in an earthly body. He was never sick. No sickness or disease could touch Him. The devil could not touch Him because He walked in divine life. We too can walk in divine life by faith. All we need to do is believe and walk in it. We will reap what we sow. If we sow truth we will reap truth. His word says we are born again and we are a new creation. Believe this and live in divine life today.

Photo by Julia Volk on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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  • hezumuryano Japhet says:

    Thank you John for such a great contribution. Your teachings are tools for spiritual capacity building. May richly bless you!

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