Sin is real and we see the evidence of it all around us. Pride entered the devil and ever since his fall we too have been tarnished by the same brush. We want to go our own way and reject God’s way. We think we are made like gods and therefore can behave like God. This power still assails us even after we have been born again in the spirit. In this world we are tempted by many negative forces that work against our spirit. This battle is mainly in our minds when we have to choose whom we will follow. The Spirit or our flesh. The flesh is against the Spirit. We have to make this choice daily in our lives.
Way Of Escape
God has given us a way of escape. He has put His own Spirit within our renewed spirit. He has given us the power over sin. The power of the Spirit can overcome the power of sin. Jesus did this on the Cross and cancelled the power of sin. Once we were helpless and bound by sin. Now through identification with Christ’s death on the Cross we are free from its grasp. However God has given us a will and we have the power of choice. We can choose to follow His Spirit or do our own thing.
The temptation to do our own thing is how sin lures us to sin. The enemy aids our flesh and so together try and overcome us to sin. However the Holy Spirit is able to help us in our weakness. The more we follow the Holy Spirit the less we will succumb to the temptations of the flesh. We have to cancel all legal rights the enemy may have over us. We have to repent of all sin and forgive all who have sinned against us. In this way we don’t give the enemy a foothold to attack us. This is possible and daily I am experiencing the victory I have over sin and the devil. We are at war with the devil and the flesh and this will not stop till we go home to glory. Be bold and never give up the fight to keep the devil out.