Our mental set determines the outcome of our decisions we make in daily life. When we are confused and indecisive we become weak in our decisions. We need a clear mind to walk rightly and in confidence. A weak mental set leads to weak actions. Many struggle in their mind because they have been lazy in processing information from different sources. We are bombarded with information from several sources in our daily lives. The fake news is one source of information. The Word of God is another source of information. Opinions of friends and family and work mates also inform us. We need to sort these out in the process of coming to a decision. Life confronts us with many issues and challenges and we have to take a stand. How do we do this?
For a believer our standard is the Word of God. Everything will have to line up with His written Word. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. His Holy Spirit in us confirms His word. We are attacked for our stand but we must stand on what we believe. Nowadays His word has been challenged and replaced by human opinion. We see this on issues to do with life and death, gender and race. There is no confusion in His Spirit. He is our guide and our leader and teacher. He will reveal the truth to us. How do we stand when many close to us differ from us despite claiming to be believers?
We have to stand true to what we believe and what God has revealed to us. We need to hear His voice and be led by Him. This is the challenge we all face on our journey. We are not alone. However we have to decide whom we will serve. We cannot serve God and mammon. We have to be clear on who is Lord of our life. If Jesus is Lord then no other idol can take His place. Compromise will only confuse us. This is the time to take a stand and be true to who we have decided to serve. Once we do this we become clear in our thinking and doing. There is no easy way. The way of the Cross is narrow and few choose to walk in it. I choose the narrow way. What about you?