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Evil Influence And How To Overcome

By September 19, 2023No Comments

The flesh is strong but the Spirit is stronger. Every time I defeat the flesh through the Spirit I feel stronger. This is evidence that in the flesh I can do no good thing. The flesh will always try to please the ego by giving in to its fleshy desires. The fleshly desires keep man blind to his deeper needs. He is unconscious of his fallen state and therefore thinks that all this is okay. When his eyes are opened to see his fallen state he repents and turns from his wicked ways. This is what happens when a man is delivered from his deluded self. 

Self Delusion

Pharaoh was so full of himself that he proclaimed himself god. This is what happens when power becomes a demon that controls you and you get mad with power. You think that you are indestructible and use others for your own ends. You destroy yourself in this process. The Spirit can deliver you if you submit to Him. He will give you the grace to see your fault and to set you free. This is the gospel of salvation which is free for all but few choose to follow. Man prefers to keep to his rules and regulations and deceive himself that he is safe. No man is safe in his own castle because others will be waiting to see him fall. This is the evil in man that does not wish for man to prosper but to fall. This is what news is and this is what the populace thrives on. The more negativity the better one feels, as it is a comparison of who is less evil than the other rather than who is better than the other. Evil can only compare with itself for it does not understand good. Lord deliver us from this evil age and have mercy on the poor.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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