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To accept a challenge is to be ready at all times to be Christ in the challenge. Challenges are meant to strengthen us and not to weaken us. So face your challenge today in Jesus’ Name and see the difference. Each time you face a challenge you will feel fear griping you. Now change the fear into love. In love now face the challenge. The challenge is usually a person who threatens you or your ego. If you see the other as a threat then you become a victim. See the other person as a challenge to love and face the challenge to see your love grow stronger. Love is not a sentiment. It is a decision. When you love, you choose to die to yourself and think of the other. To love is to come alive to the other. You don’t think of your survival but can help others change into someone you can love rather than hate. You change and in the process, the other person changes because you see them with different eyes. This is to change your perception of the other from being the aggressor to one who is going to help you become a stronger lover

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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