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God desires us to operate in reality rather than fantasy. To operate in fantasy is to be disconnected from reality. Fantasy tends to minimize the reality of responses from others. Fantasy is safe because one controls the movie that is played in the mind. Reality always has to consider the other. In fantasy, there are no checks as anything is possible and only the operator is affected. One can tend to manipulate the outcome according to one’s desires. This kind of operation when resorted to often leads to a life cut off from reality. Neurotic fears are quelled through this kind of avoidant activity. When a grip on reality is absent then psychosis is the result. The way out of fantasy is to apply your mind to what is happening now. This enables one to face the reality of the situation one is in now and then escape into fantasy somewhere else. Bringing your mind to attention to what is present enables you to face the situation or person with full attention. Practicing the presence of God is possible by resting in His presence and letting Him give you His thoughts and feelings. The more you operate in the now the more you become real to others. You stop avoidance behaviors and confront the reality that is in front of you.

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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