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Fire Cleanses And Fire Empowers

By April 6, 2022No Comments

Fire Baptism

Jesus baptises with the Holy Spirit and fire. Many forget the fire part of the baptism. John baptised that people may come to repentance. Jesus baptises with fire. There are two baptisms. One is through water and the other through fire. Most of us are content to receive water baptism to signify repentance and new birth in Christ. How many of us desire to be baptised in fire? Yet this is what is lacking in the church. Some would contend that there are three baptisms. One is water, Holy Spirit and fire. We must be prepared to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and fire to lead a victorious life.

Spiritual Warfare

Our flesh is always contending against our spirit. Our spirit is born again and redeemed but our flesh is being redeemed. We live in a body which will one day die. There is therefore a war between the flesh and our spirit. Demons can influence our soul and our body but not our spirit. This is what spiritual warfare is all about. There is a constant need to be on fire to resist the flesh. Most of us are content to be sitting back and compromising with our flesh. No one can compromise with the enemy and win. The Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. This is not physical force but spiritual. We have the Name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus as weapons to overcome the attacks we face daily. The word of God challenges us to keep vigilant lest we become complacent and lose  our salvation. We are called to be warriors against the forces of darkness that rule this world.

Victorious Living

How can we stand but to fight our battles on our knees. The Christian calling is to be on the front lines. We cannot take over the enemy’s territory unless we fight. Our enemy are spiritual entities and just as Jesus confronted them so do we too. There is little teaching on this subject in churches and so the church is weak and blind. Today let us take up arms and be baptised in fire for the battle before us is fierce. We cannot afford to sit back and watch. We have to enter into the fray and take back what the enemy has stolen. We have the whole host of heavenly forces behind us as we step out in faith. We can change history as we do so in Jesus Name.

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I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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