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Get Into The Flow To Glow In The Holy Spirit

By November 21, 2021No Comments

Jesus said he who believes in me out of his belly will flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). What are these rivers? These are rivers of living water that flow out to bless others. The Holy Spirit is referred to as rivers of living water. He refreshes and gives life to a parched land. Imagine a desert barren and dry. The water comes in and suddenly new life springs up where once only death was visible. The Holy Spirit today is moving through the earth to accomplish all God had ordained before He created the world. He is watering the earth and where once it was barren, new life will spring forth.

In our life the Holy Spirit will begin to flow through us. He will release new life in us. We will begin to give freely as He leads in our finances, love and care. This flow will result in us glowing like a light that others will see and come to be refreshed and replenished. This is how the Kingdom of God operates. The world system operates on taking while God’s Kingdom operates on giving. The flow begins as we give of what we have. However little or much, we will reap the benefits of our giving in health, wealth and wisdom. Jesus grew in stature and had favour with God and man. This is the key to revival.

The supernatural resources of heaven are released here on earth as we obey His command to love our brother. We can only love our brother as we first love God with all our heart. His love then overflows us and we love others by His love flowing through us. We don’t do it in our strength but His. He is the one who overflows through us to water a dry and parched land. Today many lives are dry and parched because they have rejected God and His love. We are called to bring the nations back to God. He is our only hope and in Jesus we will glow for His glory.

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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  • hezumuryano Japhet says:

    Thank you brother for your exposition which clarifies whant rivers of life is meant to any believer. Here in Burundi,we are fine and I read always your messages sent to me. Pastors,my fellow are not able to understand english,I interprete so that they may have ideas on what you have been sending through gmail. To translate and make a booklet of your expositions,unto kirundi as mother tangue would be better .Each could have a copy in order to strengthen the spiritual status. Thank you ,be blessed!

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