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God Has Forgiven And Forgotten Our Past

By December 28, 2022No Comments


God is so good that He does not harbour any ill feelings towards us. He is so large and can deal with any offence made against Him. His love is immeasurable and can absorb all the evil in the world. This is what He did when He sent Jesus to die on the Cross for the sins of the world. In one event He cancelled the sins of the world. This is how big our God is. He remembers our sins no more. Yet we continue to live as if our sins are not forgiven. We carry the burdens of our sinful past as if they are still present. What a sorry state this is!


We must now forgive ourselves and forget our past. This is easily said then done. We are reminded each day of our failures and weaknesses. The devil will remind us of our sinful past. However God has a different word and His word is final. He says take my yoke for it is easy and light. Burdens are lifted at Calvary. Yet we prefer to carry our own burdens than let it go. Many are laden with heavy burdens. God is calling us to let go and let Him carry our burdens.


By faith we can come to Him and let go of our burdens. We must daily repent of any sins committed and let them go. This is the only way to live an abundant life. God’s word is truth and He does not lie. We must believe His word and not the opinions of man. This is the only way to walk in victory. Today let go of your burdens and enjoy the freedom of life in Spirit.

Photo by Levent Simsek on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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