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God Is In Control Of A Surrendered Life

By September 7, 2023No Comments

Many believe that God is in control of this world. However, few understand that there is a devil who is in control of this world. God created the Universe and all that is in it. However, Satan who God created rebelled and was thrown out and now rules the world. Therefore it is a fallacy to think that God controls the world. God can only control those who acknowledge Him as Lord of their life. When bad things happen to good people, we blame God! This is because we forget that the god of this world causes all the disease and destruction that we experience. God never intended any evil to affect us but sin caused the Fall and we suffer the effects.


In the Garden of Eden, there was no sin. There was no sickness or suffering. This was God’s original intent for mankind. God created man with this plan in mind but He also knew that man would succumb to the devil and fall. He, therefore, planned to redeem man by sending His Son, Jesus, as a spotless Lamb of God to die for us. Yes, God is ultimately in control of all that happens, but He is not in total control at present.


When we understand this we know we have to operate in His wisdom. First of all, we need to receive His plan of salvation through Jesus. We then have to make Him the Lord of our life. This means to acknowledge Him in all our ways. In this way, we keep the devil out and fit in with His plan for our life. God has already planned what our assignment is on earth. All we need to do is fit in with His plan. This is the way we live our life on earth and experience His abundant life. Many fail to understand this and so continue to carry the burden of sickness and disease and disorder. Let us today make Jesus the Lord of our life.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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