I am dead in Christ. This state occurred when I identified with His death on the Cross (Gal 2:20). This death was accomplished 2000 years ago for the whole world. Now His death is the only way to be saved. He died once and for all for the sins of the world. No man could accomplish it. No sacrifices of animals could accomplish it. Only the death of the Saviour of the world could do it. Now all who call on His name to be saved from their sins can be free from their power. His power is endless and is available to all who call on His Name, Jesus. Now I am saved and walk as a dead man.
I am alive in Christ because when He rose from the dead I too rose with Him. I now live in the resurrection power of Jesus. He not only died but He rose from the dead to make it possible for me to have eternal life. Now He is seated on the right hand of the Father to bring all who call on His Name to the Father. He did it all. All I have to do is receive His completed work on the Cross. His salvation is full and free to all. He is not biased and will welcome all to His fold. So today choose to be free from the power of sin in Jesus Name.
What a salvation He wrought on the Cross for you and for me. Yet many reject His call. Most people are happy to live their lives in bondage to the law and sin. Jesus came into the world for He saw our helpless state. He knew we were bound in sin and the devil had us in his prison. We were prisoners to sin and the devil. He came to save us. Now we can be saved and walk in victory. All we need to do is proclaim His death and resurrection daily to walk in victory. Death is the only way to live a victorious life in Him. I must deny myself daily, take up my cross and follow Him.