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I See With The Eyes Of Jesus, I Speak Through The Mind Of Jesus

By February 28, 2022No Comments


Jesus has come to reside in each of us when we came to Him and were saved. His Holy Spirit was sent to reside in us. Before Jesus ascended to heaven He promised that He would send a Comforter. The Comforter came on the day of Pentecost and filled the disciples. He came and dwelt in them. Now we too can enjoy His fellowship as He resides in us. What a revelation and a revolution this is! Jesus came to make us like Him. To see and do as He did on earth. He saw and did as He saw what His Father did. We too are called to do the same. Only through His Spirit within us can we do this.

Mind Of Jesus

Now we have the mind of Christ. What does this mean? We have the Holy Spirit in us and so He can think through us. When we allow Him to think through us then we will have His thoughts flowing through us. We then speak His thoughts out and His words go out to perform what it is sent to do. This is to have the mind of Christ. When we walk in the fullness of the Spirit we become like Jesus in our walk and talk. We are but a receptacle for His Spirit. We have died to our self and become a living sacrifice. We have laid our life on the altar and we now become His vessel of glory.


This is the transformation we go through as we choose to walk daily in His ways. We can only do so as the Spirit leads. We are not our own. We have been purchased by the blood of Jesus. We have a new identity and authority in Him. Jesus spoke and formed the world’s. We too can speak in the same authority and see our world changed for good. No devil can stand in our way. He has to give way to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is the good news the world has to hear as the sons of God are revealed. Today let us take our place and be who we are called to be.

Photo by Wings Of Freedom on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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