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Intimacy With God Is Possible Through Jesus.

By August 26, 2021No Comments

Photo by Adrian Cogua on

God is not a distant object of our imagination but a person like us created by Him. He designed us for fellowship and intimacy just like Jesus has with His Father in heaven. However through the Fall our fellowship with Him was cut off. Sin cut us off and Jesus had to come and die as a sinless sacrifice to pay for our penalty. This restored us to our right relationship with Father God. This is the gospel in a nutshell. The first Adam created in the image of God sinned. The second Adam, Jesus, the sinless lamb of God redeemed us from that original sin. This was planned before the foundation of the world. God knows the end from the beginning.

Now we all have the opportunity to have the same relationship with the Father as Jesus did. The separation has been removed and we have direct access to the Father. Before Jesus came only the high priest had entrance to the holy of holies and that only once a year. Now through Jesus we have access to God anytime and anywhere. This is the Good News of the gospel. Once you receive this revelation of love, nothing can stop you from intimacy with the Father in heaven. Many still are bound by rules and regulations and are blind to the salvation obtained by Jesus on the Cross.

Intimacy with God is the hallmark of a disciple of Jesus. It is relationship and not performance that marks the life of a true disciple. Many are caught up by the law of works but work in vain. No amount of work done in our own strength can please the Father. Jesus spent time with His Father and the works He did flowed from His relationship with His Father. We too can do the same. Cultivate intimacy with the Father and see a difference in your walk. Signs and wonders will follow just as when Jesus walked on earth. Come to the river of life and be filled with His love and be victorious. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. What a salvation we have in Jesus.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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