Giving is the principle that is the key to abundance. We reap what we sow. If we do not sow what will we reap? Nothing sown, nothing reaped. Therefore if you are suffering lack, it maybe because you have stopped the outflow. Many live in poverty because they have stopped giving. Giving is an attitude of the heart. In this world we have been taught to take and so there are more takers than givers. The Kingdom of God is giving. God gave His only Son to redeem the world. Jesus lay down His life to be the sacrifice for you and for me. He showed us the way to abundance. Now when we give, we become like Him.
Poverty Mentality
There needs to be a change of heart to realise the shift from a poverty mentality to a abundance mentality. A poverty mindset is always holding on to what little we have. Letting go is like losing all. This fear keeps us imprisoned and so we fail to sow. Sowing is a principle of life. We can sow into areas of need. We can sow in money, time, kindness, love and so many other ways. Charity begins at home. We will reverse many situations when we choose to give rather than take. Relationships will grow when we choose to give rather than take. Needs will be met and poverty will be exterminated.
Abundant Living
We can apply this principle in every area of life and it will work. Let us look for opportunities to serve rather than to be served. What a new world we will create around us. Give to those who cannot return the favour. Serve in small ways everyday and change the world. God is a giver. He wants to bless us and not hurt us. Therefore we can trust Him to bless us when we give. Many have grasped this principle early in life and gained from it. Let us begin today and reverse the world and sow peace and love. What a new world this would be when we love our brother as our self.