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Jesus Came To Remove Sin, Not To Fight It

By August 1, 2023No Comments

Jesus’s mission was to come in the form of man to reverse the curse of sin. A man was helpless to obey the law because of sin. Sin had control over man and so no amount of self-effort could remove the stain of sin. God knew this from the beginning and so prepared the answer for the sin problem. He sent His own Son, Jesus, to be the sinless, spotless lamb of God to be the acceptable sacrifice to cancel the power of sin. Now In Jesus, we are cleansed and free from the power of sin. Heaven’s answer to sin was completed on Calvary when Jesus said “It is finished”.


In the spirit, we are completely redeemed from the power of sin. The Holy Spirit resides in our redeemed spirit and helps us in our daily walk. In Him, we have power over sin and so don’t have to fight it. Our soul however still is under the influence of Satan who is the god of this world. We therefore could be tempted and fall to the power of sin. This is the dilemma we face when we are challenged to walk by the Spirit. In the Holy Spirit, we can walk victoriously but in the flesh, we will face defeat. This is where the warfare happens and we have to choose how we will walk.

Victory in the Holy Spirit

To walk in the Holy Spirit is life and abundant life. This is what Jesus promised us but we have our free will to choose how we will walk. Our choice makes the difference between life and death. We need to separate ourselves from the world and be one with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent for this purpose to help us in our daily walk. Now we can choose to walk according to the Spirit or our flesh. Let us be free from the bondage of our soul. Let us choose to walk by the Spirit and choose life.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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