Jesus came from heaven to earth to redeem mankind from sin and restore us to a right relationship with His Father. This was planned as His mission before the world was formed. He came to restore us to the perfect relationship that Adam had with Eve in the garden of Eden before the Fall. Jesus demonstrated this by walking in the fullness of the Spirit and speaking only what He heard His Father speaking and doing only what He saw His Father doing. He then sent His Spirit to fill us, His followers, so that we could do the same things He did. However very few understand this and walk according to the flesh rather than according to the Spirit. It is time to walk in the Spirit and not allow our flesh to dominate our walk.
Jesus said we would do His works and greater works (John 14:12). Yet this is not what we see in the church. We see a church that has compromised with the world and is defective and sick. We have a taste of His glory but not the fullness of His glory. How can we reverse this situation and fulfil our royal commission? We can do this when we decide to be filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit. We need to spend time with the Father to be filled like Jesus was. There is no other way to do this. If Jesus had to do it how much more do we?
God has made a way for us to operate in the Romans 8 experience where we no longer walk in condemnation. The devil will want us to be stuck in the past. We cannot move forward if we are stuck in the past. The past is cancelled through the blood sacrifice of Jesus. He died once and for all. He said it is finished and dealt a death blow to the devil. His mission was to destroy the works of the devil. Now it is our turn to destroy the works of the devil by living in God’s word, healing and delivering the captives. We can do this as we also do what we see the Father doing.