God knew before we were created that we would fall and Jesus had to leave His throne to redeem us. Satan had already fallen and so had no place on the throne. We were created in God’s image and so had a free will to choose. This God knew would result in the fall of man but He had already planned how we would be redeemed. Jesus was prepared to come to earth in the form of man to die and be the sacrifice for our redemption. It is beyond our limited thinking to comprehend the wondrous plan for our redemption. Yet man continues to reject God’s solution and seeks other ways to be saved.
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus on earth. Yet most of us are caught up with the worldly way of celebration with tinsel and lights. God came in the form of man to redeem us. There was no other way for justice had to be made through sacrifice. Sin and its power had to be reversed. Only the pure blood of God could redeem us. Jesus died and rose again to redeem us. Now there is an empty tomb, and empty Cross but an occupied throne. Jesus has paved the way for us to sit on the throne with Him. What a wondrous plan of redemption to those who will believe.
Now we are seated on the throne with Jesus to rule on earth. We have been given the authority to rule and reign. Satan has been defeated though he is still the god of this world. We are in a war zone where we have to fight the forces that are bent on destruction. Satan lies and destroys. Jesus came to bring life and that eternal. These two forces are now at work on earth. We are on the victory side although it does not appear to be so at times. We know we will win finally yet we need to fight to win. This battle is against principalities and powers and not against flesh and blood. Let us take our rightful place today and be light and salt in this dark world.