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Judgements Of The Soul And Judgements Of The Spirit

By September 27, 2023No Comments

When God created us there was no separation between Spirit, Soul, and Body. The three parts of us were one and operated as one. However, through the Fall, there was a separation of our spirit that was disconnected from God. This death of our spirit led to our soul taking over control of our body. Through our spirit being born again we were reconnected with God but our soul and body were not redeemed through this regeneration. Therefore we are constantly in a battle between our soul and our spirit. Our soul needs to be renewed through the ministry of the Holy Spirit who lives in our spirit.


This process of transformation is dependent on our surrender to the Holy Spirit. Most of us go through a process of walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. The more we choose to walk in the Spirit the more we are able to overcome the desires of our flesh. This is the process of transformation. All we need to do is submit to the Holy Spirit in all areas of our life. The demons can influence our soul; therefore, we must operate in the resurrection power of the Spirit to overcome the flesh. The more we walk according to the Spirit the more we become aligned with Him. Our soul and body will become aligned with Him.


The Godhead dwells in us. The Kingdom of God is within us. This is the difference Jesus came to accomplish. We do not need to go to temples to meet God. He now dwells within our temple. This is the revelation we need to receive to be victorious in this life. The flesh and the devil will seek to challenge our spirit but we can overcome through the Holy Spirit who lives in us. What a glorious salvation we have in Jesus. Now our talk and our walk are like heaven on earth. Hallelujah.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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