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When led by the Spirit you will be reminded of what needs to be done and who you need to contact and given new insights into things. The Spirit will guide you and grant you wisdom as to what to do. If you draw a blank then it is time to wait and pray. Prayer prepares you to allow the Spirit to work through till a solution is found. This is exciting for now you are operating from above and not from below. To operate from above is to operate in the might of the Spirit and not the flesh. For spiritual breakthroughs only waiting on the Spirit can do. It is His work and we are to follow Him. In the flesh, we do in our ability. In the Spirit, He does in His ability. Which would you prefer? You are to enjoy life because all your needs are met in Him. When you struggle to survive you are just existing and not living. To live is to breathe the pure air of the Spirit. He will infuse you with His holy air and all your cells of your being will be revived and you will mount up like an eagle and never be phased again. Your strength comes from the Spirit within you. This is why when you pray you voice the words of the Spirit from your spirit, not your head. This is a powerful intercession and will get through to the heart of the people and transform them. Be filled today in the Spirit and live life to the full.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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