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Live In The Present Moment in His Presence

By July 30, 2023No Comments

Presence power is the power of His anointing presence in you. When you are present in the Lord, then power flows through you to touch others.</a> This is to walk in the present moment in His presence. When you are not present now then you are absent and so can’t minister in His presence power. It is so important to be present and this means being aware of your present moment. This moment is all you have. What you do with this moment will determine your walk and your talk. 


Many walk in the past or their imagined future. This is vain and just an illusion. The present is the only reality you have and know. Nothing else matters. What you have and own means nothing if you can’t enjoy your present moment. Most mental illness is due to loss of present living. Most are caught up in their own vain imaginations that they don’t have time to enjoy the present moment. The devil insinuates his thoughts and feelings and you get unconscious of the present. This is the sure way to waste your years and waste your life. 


Come to the present and invite His presence to fill you and live life to the full. Enjoy all that you do this moment and be connected. Don’t live in your mind but live in the present moment. Living in your mind is to live controlled by your thoughts and feelings. Living in the moment is to live in the Spirit. We are spirit beings on an earthly journey. We forget this to our detriment. Living in the Spirit is to invite God into our daily walk. God is Spirit. What a difference it will make to your walk and talk as you release yourself from your self-made prison of vain imaginations.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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