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By September 29, 2023No Comments

The pollution of your mind is greater than the pollution in the environment. First, clean up the pollution within you and you will naturally stop polluting the environment. People are more taken up with issues they can see than the hidden things within them. This is a distraction. Jesus pointed to the pollution of the Pharisees in their hearts while they looked at keeping the law. This is a deception. There is no solution to internal pollution than the blood of Jesus. The pollution is so thick that many are blind to it. When they see the internal pollution they will turn in disgust and some kill themselves. This is what it means to see. Most are blind to internal pollution and see only the behavior. The behavior is a sign of the internal state of mind. This is why we need to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. 


Jesus came with the solution but it is too simple for man to receive. Now that you see it is your responsibility to help others to see. This is the greatest gift you can give another, free salvation in Jesus. Then they will say I was once blind but now I see. All other ways point to the way but never to the Truth. John the Baptist came as the forerunner to point the way. So also there are many that point to the way not knowing the way themselves but think they do. It is only Jesus who can open the eyes of those born blind. This is what it means to be born again. Your mission is to help others see and be free from the pollution of their souls and their spirits. This is the Good News of the Gospel. Psychological therapy cannot cleanse sin that is the cause of spiritual blindness. Only the blood of Jesus can.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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  • hezumuryano Japhet says:

    Thank you for message which clarifies the deep meaning of pollution ! Which has become a Chorus in different political speeches ! We should first of all deel with our internal pollution !!!In order to deel effectively with thé so called political slogan. Really,the blood of Jesus Christ is an answer !!!!! May God bless you!

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