I would like to share my journey from believing in divine healing to living in divine health. I have always believed in divine healing. Yet I continue to be challenged by disorders like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. I have experienced God’s healings, some miraculous and others gradual. I have believed in praying for others for divine healing. Some have been healed and others continue to struggle. I have questions about why some get healed and others don’t. Some die in health and others die after an illness. In an imperfect world there are imperfect answers. In heaven there is no sickness or disease. Jesus was never sick when He walked on earth. Yet we have the same Holy Spirit who indwells us and we have been promised healing and health. Why then do we see so many sick amongst us?
I don’t have a definitive answer to this. However I know God heals today. I have experienced two miraculous healings. I suffered from psoriasis for over a year. Suddenly it all disappeared one day and it was as if I never had it. On another occasion I was leading a prayer meeting but was having a severe sore throat. I was prayed for during the meeting and suddenly it disappeared as if it was never there. In another case, my painful knees were healed over time. Now I can play tennis without the need for knee braces. I am looking forward to being healed of diabetes and hypertension. I will remain in faith to see this come to pass one day.
Now I have entered a new phase of believing in divine health. As a doctor I was trained to diagnose disease. My whole training was focused on studying diseases. Very little of my training was to do with health. However God is in the business of divine health. He has promised us health and prosperity as our soul prospers. God never sends diseases to us. This is the doing of the enemy. God reverses sickness and disease. Therefore we can believe that God’s perfect will is divine health for us. I have to change my thinking, from thinking ill health to thinking health. Moses at 120 years was reported to be in the health of a young man. The children of Israel never suffered disease or decay when they left Egypt. We must believe God when He says He wants us to be made whole not sick. Today let us choose to walk in divine health.