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By July 19, 2024No Comments

As you pray in tongues expect God to pray through you. Praying in tongues is the Spirit praying through you. It is God’s Holy Spirit who is in you who prays through you. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit as all other gifts are. Therefore, when you pray in tongues for healing, the healing gift is exercised. If in prophecy then the gift of prophecy is exercised. So also for the 9 gifts of the Spirit. They are all exercised through the Holy Spirit within you. Therefore all God wants you to be is His channel of blessing. All the gifts are for blessing others. You are just a channel through which His blessing can flow. All you need to do is to keep your channel pure so the blessing can flow freely. God desires purity for the devil will try and infiltrate an impure vessel. God’s gifts will still flow through an impure vessel but the impurity will affect the recipient of the blessing. You have a responsibility to keep yourself pure otherwise you will be judged. Falling in the hands of the living God is a fearful thing. The only way you can stay pure is to surrender all to Him. Your will must be submitted wholly to Him. In this is your security and freedom. His grace will see you through the hard times. You will be attacked but His angels will protect you as you stay fixed in Him.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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