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Pray The Answer And Not The Problem.

By December 27, 2022No Comments


Most times we go into prayer when we have a need. Our prayers are mainly to request God to supply a need. We hardly pray when we don’t have a need. However this is not what prayer is about. God made us to have fellowship with Him. He is not a vending machine where He supplies what we want. We turn to God as if He is waiting to meet all our needs. When prayer is seen as the highest form of intimacy with God, it brings about a change in our relationship with Him. God is not treated as a thing but a person. He is our Heavenly Father in heaven who created us for this one purpose, to have fellowship with Him.


Jesus always was in communion with His Father. He only did what He heard and saw His Father doing. This means that He walked in close communion with Him. We too are called to have a similar relationship with Him. In this relationship all our needs are met even without asking, for He knows what we need even before we ask Him. We can rest knowing that He is our Provider and Healer. All our needs are met in Him. Jesus accomplished this on the Cross when He said ” It is finished”. He purchased all that was robbed from us through the Fall. Now we can enjoy the fellowship that Adam and Eve had before the Fall.


Prayer now becomes a fellowship where God answers and we grow in intimacy with Him. This is the most powerful relationship we can have on earth. Imagine the Trinity dwelling within us. His Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit and we can call Him Abba Father. We now are His representatives on earth connecting earth with heaven. We become His light bearers in a fallen world. Nothing can harm us as His light surrounds us. All disease and disorder will have to bow to the Name of Jesus. We become His answer to a fallen and sick world

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I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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