God is in control and His plans are perfect and His timing is perfect. However we need to be prepared at all times for His promised return. The world is going through a phase where everything appears out of control. One virus can take the whole world hostage. Man has no control although he thinks he has. This proves that we are so vulnerable to outside forces that can destroy our little secure world. Money cannot do anything to prevent death and loss. One catastrophe strikes and it destroys all our sense of security. We realise how vulnerable we are and cry out to God to save us.
God has made His promises known to all. He has provided us a way of escape in Jesus. Sin trapped us and Jesus came to show us the way out of our entrapment. Soon He will return to take us home with Him. Are we ready to receive Him or do we think that He will not come? We have heard of His coming soon since the beginning of the Church but He appears to have delayed His coming in every generation. Do we therefore get lukewarm and not prepare as did the five virgins that ran out of oil? We need to be watchful and pray and expect His soon return. He will come like a thief in the night and it will be too late.
The Rapture is a hope we have of being taken up with the saints who have died. We will be taken up and the world will go through tribulation under the reign of the antichrist. There will appear to be peace just before the Rapture, but once the saints are taken up there won’t be any restraining force to evil. Evil will abound and those left will go through the tribulation. Those left behind will suffer much and cry for deliverance but it will be too late. After seven years of suffering Christ will return to reign on earth with His saints for a thousand years. Are we ready for the Rapture? The signs are revealing that it could be near. Let us keep our lamps burning and never take our eyes off our Saviour and Lord. Those who wait will be satisfied. I am waiting for the Rapture soon. Are you?