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Receiving From Heaven And Giving On Earth

By February 7, 2022No Comments

God is Spirit and we are created in His image and are spirit beings in an earthly suit. We therefore have the ability to receive from heaven by His Spirit living in us. The Holy Spirit is able to lead and guide us in our earthly walk. Many of us think we have received through our human efforts. What we fail to realise is that God is the giver of all things. We breathe only because He allows it. We are only a breath away from death. Our physical body is just a house  where His Spirit dwells in our spirit. We are eternal beings in our spirit. Therefore we are able to receive from God who is Spirit. Just as Jesus multiplied  bread and fed the multitudes so also we can receive from heaven and multiply what little we have. God multiples as we give away what we have.

This is the principle of heaven. When we give, we don’t just receive but we multiply what we give. In this way we are able to meet the needs of others around us. Jesus demonstrated this principle on earth as He looked to His Father for all things. He received in His Spirit and then gave it away in the physical. He multiplied the fish and the bread. He healed the sick. He opened the eyes of the blind. He set the captive free. This same principle works for us. We must receive from heaven through His Spirit and then be a channel of His provision. This is spiritual manna that never dies. It nourishes and flourishes where it is sown. We must receive heavenly manna to provide food that lasts. What is physical is temporary. What is of the Spirit is eternal.

God’s resources in heaven are limitless. Yet we compete for the limited resources on earth. How poor we are that we neglect the unseen for the seen. God has already provided for us but we rather work and labour for our daily bread. How different life can be when we look to God as our Provider. When we look to Him we become like Him. This is a shift that occurs when we put our faith in Him and not in what we see. This is what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. We need to see with our eyes of faith to receive from heaven. Once we do, we become like Jesus on earth. Our talk and walk will be like Him. This is how God created us but we have gone our own way and trusted in our own strength. It is time to repent and get back to our calling of living as sons of God.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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