Repent is a word that is used in the Bible to turn around from the direction one is going. It is a powerful word that John the Baptist used when he called the people to turn around from their sins and turn to God. This word is still powerful today to stop us from going the way of the world and to turn to God. God always listens to the one who repents. There is no other powerful word to signify a change of heart. I repent and turn to God to save me. This is the only way to recover what we have lost. We continue to sin in thought , word or deed. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. When we repent of them we turn away from their power and God cleanses us from all sin.
Once we have repented we can now recover what we have lost. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. We recover what he has stolen from us. It maybe finances or relationships that we have lost. Recovery includes all areas where we have been robbed.
God will restore to us seven fold what we have lost. He is a generous God and He is able to restore what we have lost and more. This restoration process enables us to move on with our lives. He restores the broken places of our lives. It is like rebuilding what was destroyed. Now we have a new place to start again and build and move forward. This will then release us to a new walk with God.
We are released from our bondages. Our burdens are lifted and we feel free to be. This is the promise to those who repent. Repentance is key to release in all areas of our life. Sin keeps us stuck and burdened. Repentance releases us from our chains so we can walk free. This is the salvation we need in our body and our soul. Our soul is being redeemed and the effects will be experienced in our body. The Spirit of God in us will do the work of leading and guiding us out of our prison into His glory.