The only certainty we have in this life is death. Everything dies in this life. However few want to think of death because it is the end of life. What is the point of living if at the end of the day we all die. Jesus came to conquer death and give us life. He reversed the end from the beginning and now we can live knowing that we will never die. Death is just a transition to another life where death is no longer an issue. Jesus promised us eternal life when we follow Him. He made the way for us to enter the promised land. This begins now and not the here after. His promises can be fulfilled now if we believe in Him.
The people of Israel wandered in the desert due to unbelief. We too can wander around and not enter into the land of His promises through unbelief. His promises are yes and amen. There is no reason for us not to inherit His promises if we only believe. This appears simple but is true. God has made it simple so all can believe. We make things complicated by our own thinking. His word is to be believed and not to be reasoned with. Reason sometimes interferes with trust. We need to trust and obey. God said obedience is greater than sacrifice. Those who are obedient will reap the fruits of their trust.
Promised Land
Now is the time to reap the fruits of His sacrifice. There is no need for further sacrifices because His sacrifice is sufficient for all. His grace is enough to help us to move into the promised land. Let us enter in now and enjoy the abundant life He has promised and live. When we think eternity our whole being will begin to respond with life and not death. Death becomes an illusion. Life will stream through our body and soul. Our spirit will take control and the Holy Spirit within us will lead us and guide us. Come now to to the river of life and be refreshed into life.

Thanks man of God for thé Word of Revival you are always sending to me!! It rebuids Indeed our spiritual capacity! May God richly bless you.