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By July 25, 2024No Comments

As you can separate the flesh(body and soul) from the Spirit, so can you discern the spirits that oppress you from your flesh. The spirits will masquerade under the guise of your flesh to oppress you. When the Holy Spirit has control of you then you can bind them and their works. The only way to deal with the flesh is to die to it. This will cancel the possibility of giving the spirits a landing place to operate. The spirits operate through the lusts of the flesh. Now with the separation, you will be able to discern rightly and therefore command the spirits to go in Jesus’ Name. This is spiritual warfare. A Christian can be duped into thinking everything is well as long as he is blind to the spirit world. The spirit world is real and only those who are spiritually aware can see. Once you begin to see then you will be alert to the devices of the demonic realm. This then will cause you to depend more on the Holy Spirit and less on your flesh. This separation is what will lead to your advancement in things of the Spirit. Without this separation, you will struggle to live a life in the Spirit. This is why so many are sick and tired and lukewarm. Arise and be bold and do not give into the appetites of your flesh. Overcome through the Holy Spirit and you will be an overcomer.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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