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Sow In The Spirit, Reap From The Spirit

By December 1, 2022No Comments

Spirit Beings

God created us as a spirit being but few of us sow into the spirit. We are so accustomed to walk in the flesh that we have no consciousness of our spirit. God is Spirit and He communicates with us through His Spirit to our spirit. Most teachers only teach from their soul and so our spirit is malnourished in the things of God. This sorry state is what we see in the church today. Man keeps seeking for things spiritual and because of blindness tap into the demonic realms. This is the danger in delving into other religious or New  age teachings. They promise much but little is delivered. Instead they trap us into the occult and so we see the evidence of this in art, theatre and media. 


There is only one truth and that is in Jesus. He said that “No man can come to the Father God but through Me”. This is the truth. Now we can accept it and receive salvation or reject it and be dammed. There are only two options in the spirit world. One is the heavenly and the other is the demonic. This is the reality and this is what Jesus came to reveal to us. Because of spiritual blindness we are attracted by spiritual persuasions as our hearts yearn to know the truth. Once we see, we become new in the Spirit. I  once was blind but now I see is so true. Yet this path is just the beginning of the journey to wholeness.

Heavenly Life

Our soul will always be attracted to keep us bound to earth. God wants us to live a heavenly life on earth. However we will resist this because we are so earth bound. Death is the only reality that wakes us up to realise that there is something more than what we see here. When we have this awakening we will pursue all that heaven has in store for us. We will tap into the invisible to make it visible. All the resources in heaven are available to us if we will only believe. Let us today tap into the resources in heaven and live life to the full and not just exist.

Photo by Zen Chung on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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