World System
Most of us have been programmed by the system of the world to operate like the world. The system of the world is based on power and so the most powerful rule the world. The main motive is to win at any cost. We see this acted out in families, organisations and governments. It is a selfish system based on me, myself and I. The world tries to build on the basis of a team but that is only a cover up for attaining ends. The end is still to achieve the best for oneself. The Kingdom of God is based on love and giving.
Kingdom Living
This requires a major shift in our thinking. A shift from me, myself and I to we, ours and Kingdom is not a minor feat. It calls on us trusting God rather than man. God is our Provider. We go to work because we want to earn a living. However our workplace should be the place where we are placed to witness of God’s goodness not our place of provision. This is not how we think. We mainly think that we have to work to earn a living and therefore are forced to compromise with the world. When we come to the place where we acknowledge God as our Provider than things begin to change.
In the Kingdom we are blessed by giving. We are looking for opportunities to share God’s love in many ways. We share our goods, money, time and resources with others. We desire to bless others rather than use them to fulfil our needs. This is what we are called to do yet even in the church we see the system of the world operating. The world has infiltrated our churches. It is time to reverse this trend and begin to be the light and salt we are called to be. Let us give to others and build a loving community where there is no lack. Let us look to God as our Provider and shift the world to God’s ways. His ways are the best way of living. Let us begin today.