God is Spirit and He created us as a spirit being with a soul and a body. Most of us are aware of our body and soul. The spirit is dormant and needs to be awakened. The spirit died through the Fall and needs to be born again. This is why Jesus came that we may experience an awakening of our spirit from death to life. This life is eternal and Jesus restored our original identity through the born-again experience. This experience is available to all but only a few avail themselves of it. Even in the days of Jesus many heard the message of salvation but few believed. The religious men in fact accused Jesus of blasphemy and sentenced Him to death.
Our spirit is renewed through the new birth and God now resides in us by His Holy Spirit. We now have direct access to God just as Jesus did with His Father. Now the Holy Spirit is at work in us to transform us into Jesus’ image. This work is mainly in the area of our soul but it affects our body. The Bible says we will prosper as our soul prospers. This means that the Spirit enables us to grow and be sanctified and made whole. Now we have a resource to counter every weakness of our soul and body. The Spirit in us will minister to our soul and body as we surrender to Him. This is Holy Spirit therapy. All we need to do is allow Him to do so.
God has called us to be separate and a holy people. He is holy and He is preparing a bride for His bridegroom. We are His bride. We are His chosen people and He is our God. Now we can be filled with His Spirit and be transformed. The more we walk according to the Spirit the more we become like Jesus. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are available to us. These are provided for the building of the body of Christ. It is through His ministry that we become united and one in Him. Behold what manner of love is this that we should be called the children of God. Today let us give our all to Him and be made whole.