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The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil

By June 20, 2023No Comments

In the Garden of Eden were two trees. One tree was called the Tree of Life and the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were instructed by God not to eat the Tree of Good and Evil. This was the case till the serpent tempted Eve to eat it. Once they ate of the fruit of good and evil their eyes were opened to see evil. They first became aware of their nakedness and hid themselves with fig leaves. Interesting that they became first aware of their nakedness. We cover ourselves with fancy clothes to cover our nakedness. This has been from the beginning, that we are horrified of our own sin, that we have to cover ourselves to hide from sin.

The Fall

God knew from the beginning that Adam and Eve would not be able to cope with the knowledge of good and evil. God knew of good and evil but evil could not touch Him. In our weakness, we too cannot cope with the temptation of evil. We succumb so easily to it. However, in Christ, we can overcome every temptation. God provided for us a way of escape, through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Now we too can return to life by eating from the Tree of Life. We too can now live like Adam and Eve before the fall. This is what abundant life is all about. We will still be faced with temptation but need not sin.

God’s Plan

This was God’s plan from the beginning. By giving man free will He knew there was the danger that man would fall. He, therefore, set in place a plan for man to be saved. He sacrificed His own Son to redeem man from his fallen state and restore man to his original state. Our spirit was born again through redemption. What a salvation, what a life! Now we have to be transformed in our souls to be like Christ. This is the work of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. We are a new creation in Christ and we have to live as His new creation and not give in to our fleshly man. This transformation occurs as we choose to walk in our new man in Christ. Hallelujah.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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