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We Need To Be Born Again In The Spirit

By June 9, 2023No Comments

We are a new creation in Christ 2 Cor 5:17. The old has passed. This is a profound statement in The Bible. Our spirit was cut off from fellowship with God after the fall. We had to be born again in the spirit to be restored to the right relationship with God. This God did by sending His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. This was planned before He created man. God in His foreknowledge knew that man would fall. He, therefore, planned the solution to restore man to Himself. Initially, he gave man laws to follow to prove that he was powerless to keep them. Then He sent His Son as the sacrifice so that now restored in our spirit, we could fulfill the requirements of the law. God is Spirit and we are spirit and our fellowship was restored through His life.


All religions try to reach God but are powerless to do so, as they strive to reach God through self-effort. It is impossible to reach God this way because He is Spirit. We need to be born again in our spirit to be able to reach God. All other ways are useless as they are like climbing a mountain but circling around it rather than up it! God knew this and therefore in His grace and mercy provided a solution. Despite this, we can start in the spirit and still walk in the flesh. This is why we need to have a separation of our soul from our spirit to discern between the two. God’s word enables us to do this. When we read and understand His word we will be able to discern the difference and act accordingly.


Much of what we see in the church today is of the soul. We try to imitate what church should be like but God sees us like the seven churches in Revelation. He judged all of them and they do not exist anymore. We too could end up the same way unless we turn from our wicked ways and repent. We must operate in the spirit and overcome our fleshly ways. Unless we do this, we will delay the return of Christ for His bride. Each generation is responsible for this. I believe this is the time for my generation to stand up and be accountable and usher in His return. We can do this if we all walk in the Holy Spirit.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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