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What Does It Mean To Say Jesus Is Lord?

By July 31, 2023No Comments

Jesus is my Saviour and He is also my Lord. It is easy to understand that he is my Saviour but to make Him Lord is a continuous process. He is Lord but he needs to be acknowledged as Lord in all areas of my life. This is what it means to be filled in the Holy Spirit and to walk by the Spirit. One is to do with a position where He is my Saviour once and for all and the other is to do with a relationship. I am saved but I need to continue in this salvation by making Him Lord of my life. This is easily said than done. To make Jesus Lord of my life is to be dead to self and alive in Him. Jesus came to establish His Lordship over His church. He cannot be Lord where He is not acknowledged as one.


The government shall be upon His shoulders means He is Lord over all. However, in this world, He can only govern those who acknowledge His as Lord. He cannot be in control of those who reject His Lordship. God is not in control of this world which is under the control of Satan. This is why we see so much corruption and disorder in this world. However, His people who acknowledge Him as Lord are under His control and covering. The Israelites were under His covering and protected from the plagues the Egyptians suffered. We are in the world but not of this world. Our Kingdom is of another realm where Jesus is Lord.


This is a profound revelation that we can avail of all his promises in His Kingdom. His Kingdom is here and now. When His church realizes this, we become the salt and light in this world. We are being prepared for rulership in the millennium now. This means that when we make Him Lord we become like Him on earth as He is in heaven. Jesus walked on earth as a man and set the standard for our walk. He did what he saw His Father doing. We are called to do the same. We can expect to walk in signs and wonders as we do so.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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