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What Is Of The Spirit Is Permanent

By December 25, 2022No Comments


God created us spirit, soul and body (1 Thess 5:23). However few of us are aware of this and so fail to invest in our spirit. Our spirit was dead through the Fall but born again through the Holy Spirit when we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. This new birth experience in the spirit opened our eyes to see into the spirit world. We were once blind but now we see. Most people are dead in the spirit and what they think is spirit is their soul. The soul mimics the things of the spirit. We were made in the image of God and therefore will search for ways to connect with Him. However most will be led to search in wrong places and therefore create idols to worship. This is what has led to many man made religions around the world. Man was left to create a god of his own making. 


The soul is made up of our thoughts, feelings and will. Most people are aware of their thoughts and feelings but yet unable to control them. We are influenced by the things around us and so distracted from the real thing. We desire to be in control and anything that takes this away from us unsettles us. We become controlling of others just to stay in control. We become violent to control others. Most of our dealings with others are from our soul. Manipulation and control is seen everywhere. We feel secure when we are in control. However many fall into desperate times for one can never by happy by controlling others. Fear sets in for you don’t know how long you can control others. Dictators are made like this and fall on their sword.


God desires us to trust Him and walk by faith. He has provided us a way of escape in the spirit. His word and Spirit work together to transform us into His image. Being transformed into His image is a work of His Spirit in us. We cannot do anything to change us but to trust Him. He who began a work in us will complete it. He is the author and finisher of our faith. The work He does in us is permanent. What is of the soul is temporary. Therefore let us walk by the Spirit and make a permanent home for Him to dwell in us. What we build will be tested and only that which is of the Spirit will last.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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