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What Spirit Is Driving You?

By September 12, 2023No Comments

Most of us are unaware of the Spirit world because we mainly operate from our soul. Our soul is programmed from birth to think like the world. We receive some religious instructions from our parents and school but they are peripheral to our main mode of operation. Our thoughts and feelings, therefore, drive our daily operations. Through the Fall we have fallen from the grace of God and so have learnt to rely on our own strength. Circumstances and experiences lead us to be self-reliant. We are mainly thinking of survival in a dog-eat-dog world. We survive by taking from others and stepping on them to promote our own self-esteem. This works for some time till we become victims of our own greedy desires.


We are mostly unaware of the spirit world which is hidden from us through camouflage and deceit. However, those who become aware of this dimension get sucked into it and become prisoners of it. Evil spirits are behind a lot of diseases and disorders we see in daily life. We too are driven by spirits but reason them away due to human weakness or relegate it to the psychological domain. Spirits operate in darkness and therefore hide behind a facade of good looks and social etiquette. This works for some time and we can fool most people sometimes but not all the time. The facade drops during a crisis and the real you is revealed.


A good question to ask is, what spirit is driving me? Is it a spirit of pride, jealousy, lust, power etc.? Identifying the spirit behind your behaviors will enable you to address them directly. Jesus always identified the spirit behind the words. He addressed them directly and cast them out and set the captive free. We need to do the same. We need to first repent of our sinful behaviors and then cast the demon driving us, out of us, in Jesus’ Name. Jesus gave us authority to do so and only His Name is able to do so. No other gods can do this because they are all controlled by the god of this world, Satan. Let us today discern and be set free in Jesus Name.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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