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When The Holy Spirit Comes Forth, The Flesh Recedes.

By January 20, 2023No Comments

The Holy Spirit resides in our spirit in born again believers. He comes to help us in our daily walk. However many of us do not consult Him or allow Him to lead us. He is waiting to be asked but we rather walk in our own way. Many of us want God to bless what we choose to do rather than wait to be led by the Holy Spirit. One is a walk by the flesh and the other a walk by the Holy Spirit. This is why we need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit to be led by Him. Even then we can still choose to walk by the flesh. This is the dilemma that many believers face and the only way out is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.

Holy Spirit Led

To be led by the Holy Spirit is peace and light. When we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. This is why there is a war down here to distract us from a walk by the Holy Spirit to compromise with the world. We see this increasingly in our world where the church has largely given in to worldly pressure to conform. Those who stand for righteousness get labelled as bigots. The spirit of worldliness has penetrated the church and has to be exorcised. The only way out is to allow the Holy Spirit to take over our life.


It takes only one person alight in the Holy Spirit to move a generation. What will happen when more of us decide to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us each day? A tsunami wave of change will sweep a nation and many generations will be affected. This is what we need to see in this generation. It took two decades of prayer to change Roe vs Wade and start a movement to change history. As more engage in the Holy Spirit His glory will descend on earth and sweep across the globe as never before. I want to be part of this great move of God. Will you?


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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