So many of us are plagued by our past. It invades our dreams and thoughts and saps us of energy. We dwell on our regrets and guilt on most occasions drives these thoughts and dreams. God does not wants us to be stuck in our past. He has a good future for us. We need to distance ourselves from our past and focus on our future. The present is also past as we are always walking into our future. We therefore need to focus ourselves on God’ s promises of a good and prosperous future. We know our destiny is heaven so let us move forward into our destiny. We are just passing through in this life till we complete our assignment. Our life is not limited to this earthly realm. We are heaven bound and so our thoughts and dreams must be futuristic.
In the Spirit we can dwell in heaven on earth. Whatever maybe happening around us, we can dwell in our secret place and be at peace. God is resident in us through His Holy Spirit. This is our dwelling place. From this place we are led daily to our destiny. This is our safe place and nothing can distract us from this place. This is a place where we receive His rhema word and dreams and visions. Revelations from heaven are released to us and life takes on a totally heavenly dimension. This is the place of rest and few enter into it. We are so taken up by a works mentality that we fail to enter into His rest. God has already planned everything for us and is in our future. We need to know this and be at rest.
How do we enter into this place of rest? We need to trust God. We walk by faith and not by reason. Joshua and Caleb entered into the promised land by faith despite the giants before them. We too can do the same. Only those who will trust completely in God’s faithfulness can enter in and be at rest. The path may not be easy but when we live from within us we become strong and bold. We fix our eyes on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. In this way He carries us through to the end. Let us enter in today and be at rest.