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When We Move Out, God Moves In.

By March 18, 2022No Comments

Supernatural Living

God is waiting for us to move out so that He can move in to do what only He can do. As long as we sit content in our own world nothing supernatural will happen. We can either walk in the natural or supernatural. God is supernatural. He abides in a world different from ours. We live in a limited world. God operates in an unlimited world. Yet God has chosen to live in us through His Holy Spirit. What a mind boggling state this is! How God in His infinite wisdom has chosen to dwell in man. This was God’s design and intent from the beginning. 

God Living In Man

God living in man is not something that we can comprehend through our finite minds. This is because God is Spirit and only the born again spirit of man can understand these things. In the spirit there are realms unlimited and unfathomable. When we choose to believe this God will take us to new heights of revelation in Him. What we see now is colourless compared to the colourful realm God lives in. His world is multi dimensional. His truth is not limited by man’s fallen mind. We tend to operate in a finite world and so see things in limited dimensions.

Endless Possibilities

God wants to brings us into His world of endless possibilities. Imagine what this will look like. In His world sound and light has many levels not seen or heard. Animals can sense things that we can’t. They can see things that we can’t. Their sense of smell is far superior to ours. Imagine what it would look like when we can see and hear like God. If God lives in us there are no limitations to what we can see and do. God wants us to move out of our comfort zone so that He can manifest His supernatural power. What an abundant life that would be. Supernatural provision, healing and abundance will flow from this realm by faith. Lord I desire this.

Photo by James Wheeler on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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