Give and it will be given to you. This is a principle that works for all. A giver is a person who has found the secret to abundance. A miser will hold on because he believes his security is in hoarding things. A giver realizes that all that is seen is temporary; therefore, it is best to give away rather than hoard. A giver lives by faith for he believes all things come from God, not man. A generous giver is even more blessed because generosity flows through his veins. He has learned what it means to be poor and now wants to bless others. This principle will work in every area of your life, not just in material things. If you want more love then share more love. If you want more friends then be more friendly. It is better to give than to receive. God is a giver and He gave His greatest gift, His only begotten Son, Jesus. When you receive His free gift you receive eternal life. Now what greater gift is there than eternal life? Money cannot buy eternal life. Therefore give for this is the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God.