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By September 23, 2024No Comments

Breakthrough occurs when you shift your focus from what is to what will be. What is, is your normal state of operation? What will be is a change of focus to a different dimension. When you shift from a physical to a psychological dimension, that is a shift. When you change from a head space to a heart space, that is a shift. Each shift brings in a different dimension and you see things differently from this dimension. What is 2 dimensional becomes 3 dimensional. What is a square becomes a circle. This kind of thinking shift enables you to break through to new ground. Practice thinking with your heart and see how your walk becomes different. You will see and hear things that you never knew possible before. It is like shifting gears from normal to sports mode. It becomes effortless and you are blessed because what you experience is fresh and new. This is the dimension you will grow into and as you grow all things around you will be affected. Deep within you, there is a river wanting to burst its banks and overflow through you. Tap into this river and be refreshed


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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