In this fallen world we will face differences of all kinds. God is a God of variety and He did not create us as clones of Him. Everywhere you see beauty in the variety of creation. Every finger print is different. When we see differences as variety then we will see the beauty in them. If we see a difference as problematic then conflict will ensue. This conflict is due to wanting others to see things in the same way you see them. Sameness is not unity. Unity in diversity is where beauty is created. Sameness is not attractive because it is dull. Therefore begin to see differences as a way to create beauty and grow. Why then do we struggle with difference or change?
Change is difficult because it means we have to adapt to the difference. We are all creatures of comfort and want things to remain the same. However change only occurs when there is a difference of opinion. Conflict arises when we resist change. God planned for us to be His from the beginning. However He has given us a free will to choose His ways or ours. Most of us prefer to live our own lives on our terms. We pride ourselves on achieving our success and making it in the world. God however has a better plan prepared for us before we were born. This plan was for us to fit into His plan and destiny for us. Now we can choose to obey or rebel. Our choice will determine our destiny.
We are transformed by the renewal of our minds. God’s will many times crosses our will. His will crosses out our will. Saul thought he was doing a good thing by persecuting Christians till God confronted him. Saul became Paul and fulfilled God’s mission for him. We too need to come to the place where we get crossed out and God takes over and leads us to our destiny on earth. God already has a plan for our lives established before the foundation of the world. This is absolute truth. He does not want anyone to go to hell. We were all created in His image. However many choose not to follow Jesus and instead end up in hell with Satan and his angels. Today choose to follow Him and be healed and delivered from the path to hell.