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Facts And Truth

By September 13, 2023No Comments

The fact is that you are weak and have all these things to contend with in the flesh. The truth is that you are a child of God, a prince, a priest, and an overcomer. You can believe the facts or the truth in Christ. You are a new creation in Christ. You have been bought with His blood. You are chosen and ordained to be a priest in the household of God. God has appointed you and called you according to His purpose in Christ Jesus. This is what changed the disciples from fishermen to fishers of men. They became world movers through their changed vision of themselves based on the truth revealed to them through Christ. The Holy Spirit came and endowed them with power so that they could now move mountains of fear and sickness and turn the world upside down.


Here is the basis for the word of God in transforming lives so that when facts appear to be true, the truth comes in and reverses it. Jesus said He is the truth and in Him, the facts of your life are changed. In Him, all things are possible for He is the truth. All who call on Him will be saved. Today live in the light of the truth rather than the facts and see how sickness and disease will flee in His Name. His truth transforms and does not just change things. He turned water into wine when He spoke it into existence. The facts were changed by the truth of His word. So also lives can be transformed by His abiding word.

The transformation of hearts is the key to deliverance. So many are caught up in knowing the facts and get lost in it. Truth evades them for they have reasoned it out through their store of facts. When the heart is changed what appeared to be truth changes. This is what changes lives. Jesus came to transform our hearts, not our heads. Facts have to do with our head knowledge. This never leads to eternal life. Come and be transformed today by His living word and live abundantly.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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